Wednesday 1 April 2020

‘Scene’ in Stamford, Other operators 1 on Dennis Basford’s’

As you read this, I am sure that like everyone else you are having to cope with the Coronavirus disaster (because that is what it is).


I am of an age where I am considered to be at risk so the opportunities are not there at the moment to get out and about.


Nonetheless, I have a stock of images and  blogs that will hopefully get me through to better times.


To try and ensure that they last as long as possible, I will restrict each blog to no more than 4 or 5 images.


I would like to send every single one of you out there my best wishes for your continued good health.




Stamford in Lincolnshire is a beautiful town. The golden stone of many of its elegant buildings gives it an almost Cotswold-ish feel.


The bus station is well situated in the town centre being almost circular which gives the photographer a variety of vantage points depending on where the sun is.


X687 DSH ‘Mark Bland Travel’, Stamford. Volvo B7TL/ Alexander ALX400 /1

on Dennis Basford’s’ 


New registered 00-D-70181 to ‘Dublin Bus’ No. AV181 in 2000.

X687 DSH ‘Mark Bland Travel’, Stamford. Volvo B7TL/ Alexander ALX400 /1 on Dennis Basford’s’




X687 DSH ‘Mark Bland Travel’, Stamford. Volvo B7TL / Alexander ALX400 /2

on Dennis Basford’s

X687 DSH ‘Mark Bland Travel’, Stamford. Volvo B7TL / Alexander ALX400 /2 on Dennis Basford’s’




TW08 FDW ‘Travel Wright’, Newark. SETRA  S 415GT-HD /1

on Dennis Basford’s

TW08 FDW ‘Travel Wright’, Newark. SETRA  S 415GT-HD /1 on Dennis Basford’s’





TW08 FDW ‘Travel Wright’, Newark. SETRA  S 415GT-HD /2

on Dennis Basford’s

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